Saturday, March 3, 2012

Food For Thought

I wanted to start my blog with this cute little thing I found on Facebook because it sums up my thoughts perfectly.  When I was told I would never have a family, I had to make a CHOICE.  Accept the words of the doctor and live childless the rest of my life, or decide to pursue my dreams through adoption.  I took a CHANCE - in spite of the horror stories I had heard, and walked toward my destiny.  The CHANGE came when our family grew from my husband and I to a family of 7 kids, 1 daughter-in-law, and 2 granddaughters. 
The point is this - if we don't make the choice to take a chance, our lives will never change.
And if we want something bad enough, it's worth our efforts, no matter what obstacles we face or how long it takes.
Be encouraged!  Life is full of opportunities.  Will we choose to take a chance so that our lives will change?  I hope so!


  1. Congratulations! The first post is always the hardest :-)

  2. Love it Deby, so very excited for you! Donna Fiorini

  3. Thank you, Cyndi and Donna! I'm looking forward to encouraging women all around the world to pursue their heart's desire! Love you both!

  4. Awesome message above..looking forward to following your blog...

    1. Thanks, Debbie! I look forward to getting to know you through our blog exchanges!

  5. I know what the A is ;) i just want to say I'm proud of you mom and i love you soliloquy much.

    1. My dearest Hannah...thank you! That means so much! And I love you soliloquy much as well (whatever "soliloquy" means!). You're the BEST!

  6. I love it this is awesome mom :)

    1. And to my darling Sarah...thank you as well! You put the "wonder" in those windows, I'm sure!
