Okay. I've been MIA for a year now. I know it. You know it too if you followed my blog at all after my book was released. Please, please forgive me. I kind of got wrapped up in my super-busy life with my pastor/husband, 4 kids still living at home with all of their activities, my other kids coming and going, my job, my church and the departments I oversee, taking my chief editor ziplining to celebrate the completion of my book, weddings that I either attended or officiated at, birthday celebrations of people I love, family reunions, conferences, a cruise to the Western Caribbean with my beloved (a gift from our church family for 20 years of ministry), other trips to Florida, NJ and NYC, motorcycle adventures, school concerts, lunch dates with friends, Stampin Up workshops (I'm a demonstrator), two Christmas stamp camps at church (which I oversaw), and walking with my daughter through not one, but three hospitalizations, the last of which resulted in surgery. I also sat on the committee at our local school that interviewed 3 remaining candidates for the open administrator position, took the car in for service and oil changes several times, participated in a local festival where I hosted a booth to promote and sell my book, had my yearly mammogram and physical appointments and took my kids to their respective doctor and dental appointments, attended ISP and CSE meetings for two of my special needs kids, prepared our personal tax information for our accountant for tax day, took my dog for his haircuts, shopped for both clothing and food for my family, cleaned our house not nearly as much as it actually needed, mowed the lawn when I could fit it in, did laundry when it mutated into a spilling mess on the laundry room floor, took another daughter to piano lessons for several weeks, hosted visiting missionaries and other ministers when they came to visit, as well as varying family members, ... (need I go on?). I think you get the picture.
QUIETNESS. What exactly does that mean? QUIETNESS doesn't mean without noise. Heaven only knows the world we live in is full of noise. QUIETNESS to me means "unmoving." It means "calm." It also means "still."
QUIETNESS is our strength because He is, and His Word is true. When we have QUIET confidence in Him, we will also have peace, and nothing will cause us to stumble (Psalm 119:165), even if we've had one of those days, or as in my case, one of those years.